What are you reading?! Ever since my surgery, I've been completely unable to focus on anything. I already have #neurodiversesquad issues, but I've learned how to manipulate my mind when I need to. Since that anesthesia, however, my brain fog is just IMMENSE. I have been trying to get through a light, Scottish rom-com, beach read, and I just cannot. I'd love nothing more to be lost in a novel right now, though, so I'm going to list some good reads and hope that inspires me to focus a little more. I'd love to hear what you're reading and will happily take recommendations.
(Also: jump over to Patreon.com/brigidkaelin if you are a patron, and watch an exclusive video project that I'm REALLY proud of. It's an orchestral arrangement. I contain multitudes, like the ability to score songs in 30-part harmony. And if you're not a Patron, would you please please join so I can make art without constantly having to SELL it?!?)
(Also: jump over to Patreon.com/brigidkaelin if you are a patron, and watch an exclusive video project that I'm REALLY proud of. It's an orchestral arrangement. I contain multitudes, like the ability to score songs in 30-part harmony. And if you're not a Patron, would you please please join so I can make art without constantly having to SELL it?!?)
Now... Let's talk Lockdown Reading! What have you read?
The Bookshop on the Shore by Jenny Colgan.
I love Jenny Colgan novels. I think they are rom-com? I am terrible with genres. There is almost always a Scotland, and if not, there is an England. There are always smart book references. This book is the 2nd of a trilogy, and I accidentally read books 1 and 3 without paying attention. Oops. (Who out there is cringing right now at the thought of reading a trilogy out of order?!?! Answer: My Husband.)
I have recently read:
Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague by Geraldine Brooks, which is loosely based on a real town in England that chose to self-quarantine during the Plague of 1666. It wasn't light reading, but it was easy reading. Again, I'm a sucker for British novels. Also, I borrowed this from a neighbor in March and have yet to return it, making me that person. Oops.
The Second-Worst Restaurant in France by Alexander McCall-Smith I just love this author. He has written so many series, and there's always just a light element of philosophy that makes me think I'm not wasting my time. The books are easy reads, though, so I learn stuff, think deeper than most beach-reads, and enjoy losing myself in them. This one takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland, and a small town in France.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb I'm a sucker for a memoir. This one serves as some fun therapy too.
I'm thinking about reading:
This was the last book my mom ever read. Do you ever think about that? What the last book you'll read is? Mom liked this one. She'd borrowed it from a friend, and I even remembered to return the book before her funeral, which I'm pretty sure is my greatest accomplishment from the last several years. Anyway, I've not read the book, but my mom told me I'd like it. I'm grief-afraid though.
Ok. Five books feels like plenty. Didn't I tell you my focus was off?
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