Book-It-for-Grownups!™: Rules and Regulations

Ok, let the Book-It-for Grownups!™ games begin. April 1 is our official start date, so whatever you're reading now, or have read since then will absolutely count.

1) I'm going to suggest that everyone go our and purchase a tiny little passport-sized notebook -- I like the Moleskin-Pocket-Sized which are always on sale at Borders, often in packs of three -- to keep track of your Book-It-for-Grownups!™ points. You can also get fancy gold stars, or pink stars, or other kinds of stickers, or stamps for your Reading Passport™, or just use one of your favorite pens (my current favorite is the Sharpie Ink Pen) to make fun little designs or tally marks.

2) We're going to base this on the Honor System, so you don't have to have a grownup sign off for you.

3) In general, one book is worth 2 Gold Stars. Or 2 points, or smiley faces, whatever little symbol makes you feel good.

4) If you read anything that might be deemed a "classic," or something in another language, or anything that is absurdly long, you may give yourself 3 or 4 points.

5) If you read Ulysses, you get 10 points. If you read Ulysses and understand it, you get 15 points.

6) Audiobooks count, but never more than 2 points.

7) Reading aloud to your kids also counts for points, so there's some incentive for some parent-child-bonding-times. You decide how many gold stars you think you should get.

8) Once you get to 20 points, you get some sort of reward. That reward might be a nice meal or a new guitar or a free cover charge to one of my shows. (Maybe I'll have a Book-It-for-Grownups! concert at the library this summer or something.) Or if anyone out there wants to design a Book-it-for-Grownups! Pin that we can all have, then please make it happen.

9) No matter what my blog topic is, feel free to email me ( or comment away about what you're reading. I'd love to publish a weekly list of what everyone is reading/ has read (anonymously of course).

Here's my list so far:

The Devil and Miss Prymm by Paulo Coelho (2 gold stars)
A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (I read half and did half on Audiobook, so I still think I get 2 gold stars)
Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies by June Casagrande (2 gold stars)

And actually, I have about 20 pages to go in each of them. I rarely
ever have just one book going. I usually read about three at once,
then finish them all at the same time. I predict I'll finish these on
Thursday morning.

I'm not sure what's next for me. I might try to finish Texas by James Michener, but it's terribly long. Hmmmmmm .... off to the library!


P.S. Feel free to make amendments to the Book-It-for-Grownups! Constitution.