Big fun playing at Louisville Slugger Field yesterday! It was so fun seeing all of you. My kids were able to come to both the concert and the game because of our amazing au pair, who had a great time at her first super-American event: baseball! She didn't catch a foul ball, but she did go home with a free t-shirt that the mascot tossed into the crowds. I had a hard time explaining why the Indianapolis Colts cheerleaders were making random dance appearances, but it was all smiles all night. Fun times for all!
The rest of this weekend I'm playing house concerts in surrounding counties (want to host a house concert?), and I'm daydreaming about Switzerland.
Louisville, please save the date July 26, early evening, for a ticketed show -- a intimate send-off to Switzerland event! It'll be in the Highlands at a TBA location. Limited seating, but a guaranteed seat when you purchase a ticket in advance. It'll sell out, so check back here for pre-sale codes!