Reflections on a tour and reunited with the Wee Boy.

I'm home now. It's been a bizarro week of riding the high of the tour, coupled with immediate solo parenting. David and I high-fived at the airport on Monday night; he left for a work trip just as I was arriving from Scotland. I've just gone to bed at 9p with the Wee Boy every night this week, not because of jet-lag but because I'm not sure what else to do with myself.

Brigid in Edinburgh, refreshed and anew.
Even my hair looks redder.
I've written about the challenges of balancing an artistic career with motherhood. I still don't understand how to do it. Just when I think I should just quit this silly, narcissistic career choice, I meet someone at a show who tells me how glad she was to have heard my songs -- how "restorative it was" and how much she needed to smile. And then I am reminded that art is absolutely necessary.

All but one of my tour dates in the United Kingdom were sold out, standing-room-only, filled-to-capacity. It was a reminder that the traveling troubadour is still both respected and important. Imagine a world where everyone pays the entry fee -- no one begs to be on the guest list or claims that $5 is too much. It exists! Just perhaps not where I live. Well, there are many people in Louisville who believe it, just perhaps not as many as elsewhere in my travels.

Touring is exhausting. But it doesn't even come close to motherhood. I got more sleep on the road than I've gotten in years. I got more alone time than I've gotten in years -- days when I walked 20k steps through cobblestones and castles! (Thanks, fitbit!) I read two books. Near the end, I actually felt like writing again. I almost remembered how to have a conversation with adults.

But, of course, nothing can top the amazing hugs and kisses and cuddles that I got from the Wee Boy when I returned! I wonder how I could possibly ever leave this kid for that long again. I've got to get a road nanny.

For those curious: it took him all of ten minutes to ask for nursies. You'd think he would have forgotten or my milk would have dried. Nope. Back to normal over here. Somehow I am a milk machine.

New music ... the single "Once I Had (Ballad of Nick Keir)" is available on various websites including:
or if you prefer a different audio format, you can buy it on my bandcamp site.

I'm working on a video for this song -- a very lofi video that's basically a love letter to Edinburgh's Old Town.