Free show on Tuesday.

Business first: 

Tomorrow evening (Tuesday 1/7) I'll be at Clifton's Pizza on Frankfort Avenue playing Danny Flanigan's songwriter night from 8:00-10:00. It's free and family-friendly, and they have excellent food there. I think even my wee boy will be there, if anyone needs some baby cuddles (just wash your hands first, please, because there's a funk going 'round!). It's a last-minute show, filling in for my friend Butch Ross, who couldn't make it up from Chattanooga as planned, so sorry I couldn't tell you about it until now.

I've also got a band show on the books -- January 31 at the New Vintage (the old Uncle Pleasants)

What else is going on? My horrible little sleeper slept from 10p to 6a last night without a peep. Yes, I woke up at 4:48am with horrible anxiety, glued to the monitor (we finally got a monitor a few weeks ago), wondering why he wasn't moving. But I did get to sleep six hours in a row before that, so that's pretty fab, especially considering how horrible he's been sleeping the past couple of months.


British friends, that is -17 Celsius ...  I repeat, SEVENTEEN DEGREES BELOW ZERO. So just stop it right there with your weather complaints, please. And could one of you please work on getting me and David and the wee boy some new visas, so we can come back? The only way I'd venture outside today would be to catch a plane somewhere else.
