Top 5 Rainy Cloudy Introspective Day Albums

It's been a while since I blogged about music. Some of you are forgetting that's what I do. But I'm listening to music today. Well, listening to the beginnings of a lot of songs, searching for that perfect one. It's cloudy and cold in Louisville, so here are my favorite records for a cloudy, cold, rainy, introspective kind of day.

In no particular order...

New Skin for the Old Ceremony, Leonard Cohen
Pretty much anything by Leonard Cohen is depressing, but this whole record is really more for the melancholy ... you know, those who take a little bit of joy in their self-pity.

OK Computer, Radiohead
One of my all-time favorites.

I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got, Sinead O'Connor
Say what you will, but I love this record.

Unplugged, Nirvana
Next time you listen to this one, listen for the cello and the accordion. Soulful instruments. A soulful album.

Closing Time, Tom Waits
This record makes me smile, even on a cloudy, rainy, and introspective day.

What are yours?
And when will summer be here?


P.S. Book-it!-for-Adults™ rules and regulations to follow soon.