Louisville is the smallest town ever.

If you're traveling around the world and you meet someone from Louisville, ask him/her if he/she knows me. S/he likely will. And it's not because I'm relatively well-known musician around town. Actually, your new Louisville acquaintance probably won't even know that I'm a musician; s/he probably went to high school with my mom or my mom's friend's niece. Louisville's that kind of place.

I ran into some neighbors while randoming visiting a small west coast town in Ireland.

I ran into someone I went to 1st grade with in London.

This morning, I had a breakfast burrito with a friend I hadn't seen since high school graduation. It was really fun, and I'm glad we got to hang out. Louisvillians are much like Texans in that there is an instant bond and much to talk about.

The big music shows start today in Austin, and I'm now wondering about all the people from Louisville I might see. You, perhaps?

I'm wearing my fancy boots out tonight, so who knows what will happen.