Settling into the next chaos

Thanks for all the love on my last blog. I haven't slipped out quietly (nor done the hair-flip departure), but I'm having trouble settling. Sitting still lets the grief pour in, and quitting breastfeeding is messing with my mental stability, and generally, there's a lot going on. Adulting seems to be getting used to the fact that things will never settle down.

You know how it goes ... we constantly tell ourselves, "Once ______ is over, things will calm down." It turns out there is always something around the corner. I am just trying my hardest to not stress out over what that something will be.

For now we are settling into our new, old house. It has great bones, and I think it is the best lot in the entire city of Louisville (not joking; location is everything to me). The interior, however, needs around $200k worth of work to bring it up to a standard of living that most people would like. I, however, am ok with holes in the walls, I guess.

Our next priority is building an actual kitchen. I'm even going to have a DISHWASHER, folks!! There's one wall that needs to come down, and David, in an attempt to give my emotions an outlet, has told me where he keeps the sledgehammer. I started with a tiny metal hitting device, but I'm feeling the sledgehammer soon...

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People keep telling me how awesome it is that I've got my parents' house.
Gratitude that I own this amazing house, but... it's a project:) How do you like this kitchen?


  1. I read a book written by a journalist who thought once she reached 40 she would have life all figured out. Surprise - she didn't, so the book title is "There are no grownups" or something like that.
    I used to tear out lathe and plaster on the house we were remodeling - it is a great stress buster!! Just make sure you don't tear out a bearing wall without putting up a support to hold the ceiling up!

    1. I mean ... what's the worst that can happen ... the whole place falls down? ;)
