Me on network TV and other deep thoughts

Well, there’s a beautiful segment on me on KET that premiered this weekend, and there’s a sound byte about how when I don’t write, I don’t feel well in the head. Funny how I had to watch myself say it on TV before I realized maybe that’s why I’ve been feeling so bad lately.

It’s been a month since I blogged!

To be fair, it’s been a year, and we’re not even two months in yet. My dad’s cancer has had a recurrence, this time as a tumor in the sinus above his eye. Graham’s taken up acting (and booked a few gigs!), our au pair went on vacation (she’s back, yay!), and I’ve taken on a volunteer gig that turns out to be a full-time job, all the while trying to work my actual job, finish an album, promote my upcoming UK tour and sort out a summer Europe tour as well. I get that whole ADHD panic of I-don’t-even-know-where-to-begin and then somehow prioritize designing a graphic for a Facebook event cover of a show I’m not even singing on. FACE PALM.

Anyway, in general, life is fine. We aren’t skipping meals. We can afford childcare. The wee boys are gorgeous and sweet and lucky and privileged as anyone could wish upon their children. 

My dad seems in good spirits, though we aren’t a family to talk about our feelings (that’s David’s job). I think we’ve given up on the idea of adding on to his house and are now talking about just moving the entire family into his house so we can spend every waking and sleeping second as a family. 

That’s my update. I’ll write more, so I can take fewer meds.


  1. It's such a difficult time of life. As I was anguishing over decisions I made when my father was ill and needed me, a nurse (AN ANGEL) said to me "don't do that. I can tell you love your father very much and we make the best decisions we can at the time. If you make them with love, you will be OK." I had just lost my mother (as I know you have as well) and those words meant the world to me. I pass them along to you knowing you too make decisions with much love. Write, sing and be at peace.
