Pinterest Parties, Motherhood, and some cute pictures.

I'm feeling decidedly un-motherly today. At least, unmotherly in the fact that all of the women on my mom's groups are posting photos of their Pinterest-worthy birthday parties. The wee boy will be one in less than two weeks, and, despite my intentions, I've got nothing planned.

Deep down, I understand that cupcakes that match bunting (I didn't even know what bunting was until very recently) that match invitations (like, not an evite, but actual printed invitations!!) that match hats that match goody bags that match the tutu around the birthday boy's high chair ... well, that they aren't at all what defines me as a mother. But still ... I feel like my family expects a bit more than some cucumber sandwiches and Four Roses.

Then again, that actually sounds like a pretty good birthday party.

Hmmmm, maybe we ought to actually set a date and attempt a party.

Here are some recent pics taken by a good friend while we were in Baltimore.


  1. he won't remember the birthday party, as much as he'll remember all the days in between birthdays. You're an amazing mama.

  2. Hi Brigid :)

    I've read your blog for ages - since right after you moved back to America - as I was looking for expats in Edinburgh (just missed you!)

    However, I'm going home for a visit (been 1.5 years since I've seen my wee brother) and was wondering if you wanted an internet stranger to bring anything to that side of the Atlantic for you? I may or may not go down your way (I'm from central IL) but I can always post it to you :)

    Let me know,

    1. Thanks, Bee!! That is so so kind of you, and I'm sorry we missed each other in Edinburgh. There's some cream i miss from Napiers, but I cant remember the name of it, so that's not helpful now, is it?
      To be honest, I would do a lot of monkey tricks for a Cadbury Double Decker:) And also the entire champagne & chocolate bar on the top floor of Harvey Nichols, please!

    2. Haha, if you can figure out what cream it is I'll get it! :)

      And Cadbury Double Deckers. Not sure I can nick a whole floor of Harvey Nichols though.. they might find me out!!

      You can email me - :)

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