UK tour begins today ...

I'm about to take off on the fun travel part of my British tour. I actually like riding on planes, so I'm excited about the trip. Besides, I have one Xanax left just in case things get a little rough. For those of you who've missed my blogs recently, I'll be in England, Scotland, and Wales until June 8ish.

I was thinking it might be fun to make this tour a Scavenger Hunt created by you, my favorite blog readers. So post your demands, and Butch (Butch Ross, my tour mate, who knows nothing of this Scavenger Hunt) and I will do our best to supply photographic evidence of our finds. I expect most of you will offer up ridiculousness, but if someone out there wants to add something normal or fun such as: a cream tea, some Scotch that's older than I am, and a Glaswegian I can't understand, that would be cool too.

Last time I toured the UK, I had trouble finding the time to blog regularly, but I'm determined to do better this time. I've also got the trusty FlipCam ready. Unfortunately, I'm just better at taking lots of video than I am at editing it together on a timely basis. My YouTube channel is:

Those of you on, I may be broadcasting some live shows, depending on how much of Stickam I can actually figure out.