Catholic Schoolgirls Gone Wild.

I used to teach music at a Catholic high school. Because of the wonders of social media, and my now very public music career, I am friends with some of my former students on Facebook. Yesterday, I got a message from one of them wondering if I wanted to host a "True Romance" party. Here is an excerpt:

They are great fun and very educational, you can also buy some really steamy toys to help take control in your bedroom. If you host a party you get 10% off every $100 spent by your friends, and a free gift! If your friends spend over $675 your free gift will be a silver bullet.

Maybe I should forward it to all of her other former Catholic high school teachers, and we can all get together and have a big party. Did she send this to me as a joke? Or did she copy and paste all her friends, then immediately regret accidentally including her former teacher in this list? Or is she still giggling at her intentional audacity?

I thought about ignoring it completely. Then I considered sending a smart-ass reply asking if she'd like me to also invite Ms. Murphy, Ms. Brown, and Ms. Berry to her little soiree. Then I decided instead to just write a blog about it and keep her anonymous.

Ladies, if you are going to host a "True Romance" party, -- which I'm sure are great fun and highly educational -- you probably shouldn't invite your former teachers. That's just weird.