GIFT GUIDE: what to buy Breast Cancer patients.
This year was bad enough, but now your friend (or you!) is battling cancer too?! It's just dumb at this point. When you are in the midst of cancer treatment, there's not a lot that can make you feel better. But there are things that can make your days more comfortable, and that's what I'm here to suggest.
If you are a cancer patient, consider creating a custom gift registry on Amazon. People want to help you, and pandemic has made it especially difficult to get the help you need. You don't have to blast your wish list across the internet, but if someone asks what you need or how they can help, you (or your point-person) can send them your wish list.
What to buy your friend who has cancer? Here are some suggestions.
Some of these are Amazon affiliate links, so if you buy them, I get a few pennies, which is more than I get when you stream my music on Spotify :) Thanks for reading.
Satin Pillowcases: This is such a luxury for $6.99. It makes you feel like royalty, but more importantly it is helpful to prevent hair loss. For those whose hair is falling out, it makes the loss a little easier to bear and feels so nice against smooth skin.

Eyemask: I like the MZOO contoured mask because it feels cool against my face, like I'm getting a facial or something (it's nice to pretend when you're sick!), and because it doesn't actually touch my eyes. Yes, your eyes can be wide open, and this provides complete darkness. It's $9.99 on Amazon. CBD Oil: You may have a favorite brand already. I like Extract Wellness because the company was formed while I was on a hunt for full spectrum CBD products to help my mom through her pancreatic cancer treatments. The company was HUGELY helpful to my family, and my mom lived almost two years with pancreatic cancer. She took incredibly strong doses, but Extract Wellness has all kinds oils. The lower doses have helped my kids with anxiety during my cancer treatment. The higher doses have helped me calm down. Check back: I asked about a discount code for my readers, so I may have one to share soon. For now I believe they are having a 40% off sale for the holidays.
I've been the beneficiary of a casserole train that has been amazing. One of my favorite deliveries was a surprise New York City brunch fest, gifted to me from my former NYC roommates. A full breakfast spread from Russ & Daughters just absolutely made our entire weekend.
Amazing sheets. I had never even heard of Coyuchi, but now all my other sheets pale in comparison. My sensory issues have been on overload since my surgeries, and I feel every little speck of dirt or imperfection in the fabric. The Crinkled Organic Percole from Coyuchi are the only sheets that significantly improve my sleep.

Lots of the Chicago pizzerias will overnight frozen deep dish pizzas, and this definitely pleased the entire family.
I LOVE THIS. I can do karaoke from bed and have disco lights and backing tracks. It's total magic, and it makes me bedrest a lot more fun.
Subscriptions, for example:
This one is lovely, and it gives us an opportunity to do something together.
Neck wrap. It's a small thing, but it feels nice around your neck. Especially after you put it in the microwave for a few minutes. Warm, weighted, neck wrap. Ahhhh!

Weighted Blanket. Cuddling is hard even if you have someone to cuddle with. You have to stay on your back for weeks or months, and having a weighted blanket makes that time a little more pleasant.
AirPods. I had no idea how much I would love these. But being in bed, it's so nice to have the little buds in my ear for answer the phone or listening to audiobooks or watching Netflix. Definitely life improvement.
Crossword Puzzles. I like the Monday New York Times because it's easy, but not too easy. Get your cancer-friend a pack of pre-sharpened Ticonderoga pencils too for an easy gift-pack.

Smart Plugs. "Alexa, turn on the lamp," is something that seemed a luxury before my bedrest. Now it's a necessity. I know all the privacy concerns about Alexa, but having been temporarily disabled, I also now appreciate all the benefits that come with a Smart Home. The Ring Doorbell is a HUGE life improvement, meaning I can talk to friends who drop by without getting out of bed. 

Amazon Alexa. Having more than one of these saved us from shouting. It's like having a sick bell, but instead it's a home intercom system. So useful for bedrest!

Cardigan with pockets. I wish I'd bought this one in five colors because it's warm, has pockets, and is really cheap. It's not wildly soft or anything, but it spruces up a t-shirt and keeps you cozy.
A Kindle Paperwhite. Mastectomies are debilitating in many ways ... I found it impossible to hold a book after surgery. But I could balance a Kindle on this awesome device-holder, and that made all the difference. I like the paperwhite because it doesn't keep me awake at night.
Pillbox or Medication caddy. I hate the piles of pills next to my bed. It makes my bed decidedly uncozy, but I need my pills within reach. This would have made recovery much more pleasant.