Staying off the social media & life's weird trajectories

Ahhhh, a photo shoot by Joe Mays,
back when we artists could WORK!
Ugh, shoulder surgery, y'all!!! This thing is a beast.
My poor husband has taken to learning soft tissue work because I'm afraid to go to PT because I don't want to be inside. While I trust the doctors and therapists, I don't trust their other clients. I prefer completely lockdown to this grey area where we judge each other unintentionally. I don't want to judge, and so I shall stay inside and try to create rather than hide.

Is anyone working on big projects? 

  • I'm writing a lot, thanks to my Patreon community, most of whom will receive a copy of my book whenever I finish it. I'm hoping to share stories and figure out what to do with The Book at some point. I'd also love to tour it as a musical/one-woman-show, but when will I ever be able to travel again????

  • I'm trying to figure out how I can properly release a new song and video without the six month publicity lead-up that the music business supposedly requires. 

  • I'm trying to figure out what to do with my kids because I can't send them to school. We were already 90% leaning toward homeschooling him because he was so bored and the JCPS attendance policy was cramping his film career, but now I feel like an entitled ass if I homeschool him. 

  • In trying to reconnect with friends, I'm spending too much time on Facebook and Twitter, and it's not doing my mental health any favors. It's hard, however, to remain relevant in any meaningful way as an artist if you AREN'T on social media being funny or charming.

Do y'all ever think about what your life would have been like had you not made that one decision that altered your trajectory?
I'm more than happy with my amazing family. I do sometimes wonder what life would be like if I were a retired partner from McKinsey right now, probably hiding out on a private island that only rich people know about sipping piña coladas and sleeping on clean sheets every night. But you know what, it's pretty awesome to have a hot husband in Louisville who massages my aching shoulders every night. 

Oh! Fun news: check out Graham's iMDb page and understand why we are leaning more and more toward homeschooling.


  1. Oh, I see a new entry for Graham on IMDb. Very cool. Look forward to hearing more about it.

    1. Yes! A casting director reached out directly. Graham was so excited. This project is not so secret, whoo hoo, the Mark Ruffalo film had a big scary NDA i had to keep hush hush about forever. Now we just have to hope everyone stays negative for COVID -- the filming protocols are union and they are doing a great job.

  2. The one big decision: in 1983 I had two opportunities - open a Merrill Lynch office as a very young man, or go on tour in the orchestra pit of a major rock band. The biggest "Y" in the road for my life so far. I chose Merrill (I wanted health insurance and a 401k) and have stayed in finance the last 35+ years.

    1. I've gotta say: GOOD JOB!!

      I recently found the job offer from McKinsey when i was cleaning out my mom's office (she saved it). I had no idea what McKinsey was or did, but i was a dumbass for not taking that job ha ha ha ha. I wanna know the rock band though!!! Also: 401k sounds DREAMY! Health insurance is majorly important, and I wish I'd understood that in 1999.

    2. Re the book release and tour, check out how Stephen Kellogg handled this when his spring tour got, uh, detoured. He held all shows online but still kept the "city" he was supposed to be in, and spent part of each show diving into a chapter of his book (I think it was decided by fan vote for each show). I was "at" the NYC show and it was a very different experience but also interactive and fun. He sold m&g tickets that ended up being a private zoom chat before the show.

  3. Embrace the entitlement, girl. You said it yourself - Graham was bored to tears and anyway he's trying to be a movie star and he's got a schedule to keep. Push that guilt down and do what makes sense for your family and also won't send your kid into a hot steaming bowl of Covid. You're good.
