It's a snow day here in Louisville! Ergo, I am searching David's company's job postings in Scotland, where there weather is better. In the mean time, I thought I'd re-print my favorite snow day activity for the little ones. I'd never heard of it until last winter, but it's pretty yummy.
Here's our recipe:
1/2 gallon snow ("not yellow or dirty snow," according to David, as if I was actually going to go collect yellow or dirty snow...)
1/2 cup sugar
2-3 tsp vanilla
a cup of milk
Mix it all together.
It's pretty good. To me it tastes like those strange milkshakes you could buy in the frozen food section back in the 1980s that you put in the microwave to prepare. Does anyone remember those? David thinks I'm making it up, but he's a few years younger than I am.
Here's our recipe:

1/2 cup sugar
2-3 tsp vanilla
a cup of milk
Mix it all together.
It's pretty good. To me it tastes like those strange milkshakes you could buy in the frozen food section back in the 1980s that you put in the microwave to prepare. Does anyone remember those? David thinks I'm making it up, but he's a few years younger than I am.