Update: On international moves, flats, and good luck!

I know I've got some blog readers out there who roll their eyes when reading about our good fortune ... those of you who get upset when I get good luck should probably just stop reading now. David and I are moving to a new apartment, and I'm pretty sure it's legitimately part of a fairy tale.

I've always loved browsing property websites and peering into windows on streets I adore. There's a particular area of Stockbridge I've been walking past for months because it's just so cute. Oddly, "To Let" signs just never appear. I got the feeling you had to know someone in order to live there, but we have been offered a flat in just those buildings: the Stockbridge Colonies. They are positively magical, and I am so excited to be returning to Edinburgh to our new place (even though I'm loaded with guilt that David has to do all the moving).

I love being on the road, but I sure do miss David. The poor guy has been home by himself, foraging in the pantry. It's not because he can't cook without me (he's actually a much better and more creative cook than I am), but it's that when your'e moving (especially when you are moving by yourself because your partner is off frolicking about castles), it's best to not move boxes and boxes of food jars. I'm pretty sure David's living off couscous, pasta, and mysterious freezer contents.

Our original plan had been to move to Paris in April while David did an exchange semester. Over the past few months, we decided that would be too much of an ordeal. We love Edinburgh and don't feel like apartment-hunting in another language, sorting out new visas, health care, and two more international moves. I'm pretty excited about our new place, with its gardens and community events and proximity to everything we love about Stockbridge.

Photos to come next week, when Kirsty and I swing through Edinburgh for a gig. And if anyone in Edinburgh feels like helping David move in a few days, let me know:)


  1. I think I'll move in with you. That okay?

  2. Just watch out for the spiders and the damp!!!!!

  3. Good fotune, as always. Can't wait to see this new place. Looks like what one would imagine a Scottish burb would be (especially if one had never been to Scotland).

  4. Great post!! very informative.
    Thank you very much for such a lovely and informative post.
