Contests galore.

So the HullabaLOU ticket contest is over, and I know some of you are disappointed. I'm one of those people who never wins anything, believe it or not, except for the occasional fruit basket or cake at a Catholic picnic, so I'm never really that bummed out when I inevitably don't win a contest.

If you're a contest addict, however, I wanted to let you know about some other ones going on. The Whiskey Bent Valley Boys are giving away ONE ticket to FRIDAY's HullabaLOU. It's not a reserved seat, and it's not on the day I'm playing, but it's still a free ticket. Check out their Facebook page for more info -- just type whiskey bent valley into the search.

Also, Kenny Chesney is giving away HullabaLOU tix for Saturday 7/24. Details are on his Facebook page.

If you'd rather just maybe win a free CD, they check out Kyle Meredith's blog. He hosts this dandy little program called "The Weekly Feed" every week on approximately a bajillion radio stations, and he's giving away a fancy 25th anniversary R.E.M. cd on his blog. Apparently he has 3 cd's to give away, and as of now, only 3 people have entered the contest. I'm no mathematician, but I'd say your chances would be pretty high if you stopped by his blog and posted a comment.

I liked the week of highly visible readers though. I know you're out there reading most of the time, but it was nice to see your pretty smiles this week.

It's a busy week for me: BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! And I'm so busy with rehearsals and shows, there can't possible be any time for a surprise party. Oh well.