Checking in at the new year ... sort of.

It smells like fall outside. I don't know what it is, or how one can smell a change in temperature, but it smells like the new year ... you know, the proper new year, when brand new notebooks are more apropo than brand new resolutions. Maybe it's approaching Rosh Hashanah or maybe it's the quietness in the day now that the kids are all in school. Either way, it feels like things are starting over.

I miss summer, but I like school supplies. I also find September a much more appropriate time of year to do a check and see how things are going. It's better than finding yourself in December already and not having done/read/seen/lost even close to what you thought you'd have done this year.

I read a lot this summer, but not as much as I'd intended. And most of what I read was vampire chick lit. I suppose that's acceptable being that it was summer reading. Now that I smell sharped pencils in the air, I suppose I could go to the library and get something thoughtful rather than escapist.

I've also used my passport for three different trips this year, which means I'm way ahead of average. Before the year's up, I'll have used it at least once more, and for an entirely different country.

Of course, there are all kinds of things I haven't done yet, which angers me because I feel like I've done nothing but work work work all year, despite the trips (which have been mostly for work anyway). But the nice thing about pausing to reflect in September is that there's still plenty of time to check things off the list.

What's left? How are those resolutions going? Have you read books this year? Made any records? Blogged daily? Taken up a new hobby? Learned something? There's still plenty of time...